We had a breakout year touching over 250,000 lives with tangible items they needed and sharing the love of Jesus. This year, we feel called to do MORE.
Malachi 3:10
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
Bonnie Doolittle - Mercy Ministries
Dear Danny: I can't begin to tell you. How many times I have walked out my back door and stood and looked at the radical transformation that has taken place. My heart will always be filled with overwhelming joy and gratitude. The new, beautiful, enlarged deck with an extra set of steps has made a tremendous difference. We have been able to more efficiently serve those who are waiting to get their food. Our volunteers have more room to serve, and the line flows smoothly. The new landscape and stepping stones & sod in the backyard have made a huge difference. Since the new landscape when it rains, we are able to serve; we no longer have to battle mud in our backyard! Our community is aware that you're a wonderful christian ministry did all this! Daily, I am reminded of God's love through you. Our ministry feeds children, teens & adults with food. However, we feed them spiritually.
Thank you for helping us impact our community for the Lord. I love you all!
Shirley Duncan - Hot Dog Club
Danny Gokey and the Better Than I Found It Foundation blessed New Mercies in a big way in October. They provided all that was necessary to start central resource centers in Elkhart and Noble Counties in Indiana, including diapers, clothes, car seats, freezers to store freshly prepared food, and so much more. This generosity made a huge impact on the volunteers doing the work as they now feel they have the tangible items needed to begin serving vulnerable families in their communities well. We thank God for Danny, his fans, and BTIFI who made a profound difference in our ministry with this gift, and we are very grateful to have been chosen.
Help us do MORE in 24 by becoming a Better Than I Found It Beacon. Your $24/month gift will go towards keeping our MOREhouse full next year.