We believe God has endowed people with power to transform their communities. We empower these communities by identifying worthy charitable organizations and compassionately providing them with spiritual refreshment and tangible resources to help continue or expand their reach. By highlighting the human issues impacting our country on a daily basis we not only rally support for individuals and local nonprofits but we also inspire generosity and servanthood in others. Our goal is to find the good, shine the light and leave it better.
Families provided with groceries, gas, and diapers
and counting
All across the country, people are struggling to purchase the most basic items needed to support a healthy family. Many parents are working multiple jobs, living off food stamps and still can’t afford to buy gas to get to work. Most people don’t realize that things like diapers are not included in government relief programs, but at $40 a box, diapers alone can be a major burden on a young family. That’s why we're helping nonprofits who are filling in the gaps and providing much needed support so these families can stay together and off the streets.
Meals and services provided to the homeless
and counting
Society often thinks of homelessness as something that only afflicts the lazy, but on our streets there are families, teenagers, handicaped and American heroes. Each one with a story, each one hoping for a new start. We support some of the amazing nonprofits who are not only feeding and clothing the forgotten but are helping them transition out of homelessness to be a healthy, thriving part of our society.
Meals, clothes, and school supplies provided
and counting
From clothes and shoes that fit, after school programs, food, and trauma therapy, every child deserves to have all their needs met. The nonprofits we support are keeping kids first, and making sure that they have every opportunity for a successful future.
Meals and services provided
and counting
Whether it’s the elderly or our US Vets, they are the shoulders on which we all now stand. From therapy for PTSD to providing basic needs like hygiene products and laundry detergent, we support nonprofits who are remembering those who helped build our country and helping support them in their most vulnerable season.

We believe in leaving the world better than we found it. By shining a light on the good and providing tangible resources to hardworking nonprofits, we empower them to continue and amplify their positive impact on communities.
We are driven by the belief that by working together and supporting one another, we can create a better future for all. Join us in our mission to leave the world a little better than we found it, one community at a time.
American Idol alum, Danny Gokey, faced a devastating setback when he was forced to shut the doors of his nonprofit organization due to insufficient support. With a growing number of homeless FAMILIES on the streets of Nashville, there was no shortage of need, why should there be a shortage of resources? Fueled by his passion to make a difference, he rose from the ashes of disappointment and gave birth to a new endeavor - Better Than I Found It. A unique nonprofit, its mission to empower other good-hearted individuals and organizations to continue their selfless work, bridging the gap between need and resources.

Join us in making a difference! Your donation helps empower hardworking nonprofits to continue their mission and create a better world for all.